IcoNMR Configuration
After fresh installation of the server there is one user in database (username: admin , group: default). To get started, you need to create IconNMR user default and set "Data Directories" to a directory of your choice. For example C:\Data-Icon
If you create more groups in NOMAD database later (see Tips & Tricks). For each new group, you have to create a new IconNMR user with a corresponding name and the same data directory. Alternatively, if your IconNMR users corresponds to your research groups, you need to set up groups in NOMAD database with matching group names and then set spectrometer client variable nmrDataPathAuto accordingly (see NOMAD spectrometer client configuration)
Set paths to status/history html files and external setup directory in IconNMR configuration/Automation/Automation Window
The paths here are absolute and need to match corresponding relative paths that are set in NOMAD spectrometer client configuration.
If you want to use Day/Night and Priority features of NOMAD traffic control. You have to enable those in IconNMR configuration/Automation/Priority and use other settings according to your needs.
dangerFor submitting samples to IconNMR through the external setup directory, the IconNMR automation window has to be open by user with "Supervisor" permissions. In the case of standard TopSpin/IconNMR installation you could use nmrsu user.
Alternatively, it can be any other user with "Supervisor" permissions that you have created.